Isabella Mckinney, B.S.
Project Manager
I am a recent graduate of Tufts University where I earned a degree in Biology. My passion for neuroscience started untraditionally – with a coding project during a summer internship at a special operation’s medical clinic. My goal was to write a simple script to analyze data surrounding traumatic brain injuries, which inspired me to first learn as much background as I could. I quickly realized there were lot of unanswered questions as to the effects of repetitive low level blast exposure seen in many military service members, and I finished my summer internship with more questions than I started with. I then turned to an independent research project through the Kaplan Lab at Tufts, where I spent my senior year analyzing biomarkers associated with traumatic brain injuries. I am incredibly grateful to have joined the NICC team as a part of the ReBlast study, where I hope to contribute to the effort with the rest of the team and discover some answers along the way. In the next few years, I plan to apply to medical school and further develop my knowledge of neuroscience and traumatic brain injuries. In my free time, I enjoy horse-back riding, running, and cooking (or attempting to at least).