Resources for Patients and Families
In addition to performing research to improve outcomes for patients with severe traumatic brain injury, the NICC aims to provide resources and support for patients and families during each stage of the recovery process. Below is a list of links that have been helpful to our patients and their families.
Information about TBI:
Brain Trauma Foundation: www.braintrauma.org
Brain Injury Association of America: www.biausa.org
Center for Disease Control: www.cdc.gov/traumaticbraininjury/severe.html
Information about Coma:
Curing Coma Campaign: https://www.curingcoma.org/education/patients
Community Support Groups for TBI:
Project Mend the Mind: www.mendthemind.org
Stroke and Brain Injury Assistance (BINA): https://binausa.org
Preventing TBI:
Injury Prevention Programs: www.thinkfirst.org
Wearing a helmet: https://dougtrails.wordpress.com
Ending distracted driving: www.enddd.org/simple-steps-we-can-take-for-safer-driving/
Research Information about TBI:
National Institutes of Health: https://www.ninds.nih.gov/Current-Research/Focus-Disorders/Traumatic-Brain-Injury